Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Coming Soon

I've been working on a few cards.
And homework!
Don't worry mom!

But I can't show them to you.
I'm really excited about them-but people apparently read this blog. . . 
and I don't want to ruin birthday surprises.
I do promise that after said birthdays have passed I will let you see my handy work.
I just wanted to drop in and let you know I'm doing things!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Take a Walk.

Sometimes you just need a walk.
So you take one.
Even if it's getting dark and you really should be studying for that history test on Thursday.
I mean-whatever right.
This is totally a better end to the weekend.

So enjoy your walk.
And then study for the test.

Friday, April 13, 2012


My mom sends me links once in a while,
just to show she cares,
to share a bit of her day with me.
This is one that I felt the need to share with you.
It's beautiful.

Here is another beautiful thing.
I found it in my subscription box,
then a day later one of my favorite blogs shared it as well.
Take a minute.
Be inspired.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Quick Card Collection Before Class

I made a list.
One of many.
This list catalogs the events I'm going to for special people so I wont forget to make lovely cards for them.
Here is the first few I made.

I do need some help.
The next two cards I made because I couldn't make up my mind.
I'm going to a wedding in two weeks.
The colors are a "royal blue and yellow."
I kept to the color theme in the first card.
But I diverged in the second a bit and I think I might like it better . . .

. . . What do you think?
Three Hearts or Fairytale?
Leave a comment below with your selection!

I hope your Tuesday is bright and cheerful!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fancy-Pants Dinner

There was a time long a go last semester
I happened to catch a Rachael Ray Show and took note of her recipe.
That was a lot.
But it was great!

I added some asparagus for some extra green.
This recipe was surprisingly easy and simply delectable!
To quote Fred "A definite do-again!"

So challenge yourself.
Give it a try.
I've decided that throughout my life I will make ALL of the recipes in this book!
I can do it.
I mean-I gave myself my whole life!
Totally do-able!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unexpected Joys

There are many small things that are bringing me joy this week.
One is the surprise gift from my mother.
She ordered these earrings from this lovely lady but they didn't suit her.
She asked if I would give them a whirl and I fell in love.

My second joy is a new book series I was bullied into reading by my roommates and boyfriend.
Totally worth it.
I started reading over break
and unlike ALL of the other books I give up during the semester
I couldn't can't stop reading!
It's defiantly fantasy and has adult content.
(They made an HBO series-DUH!)
It sucked me in and spun a wonderful a tale of a far off land.
It's beautiful, and complicated.
I can't wait to finish!

Click for source
Finally is this joy!
It came with a lovely handwritten note from the distant land of Eau Claire!
It now hangs in my closet to remind me of all of the things that make me happy:
Sesame Street and childhood fun,
distant friends,
and coloring books!
So thanks for the love.
(A return letter is on the way Michelle-no worries!)

Here is to your joys!
Big or small.
Anticipated or unexpected.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Card Set

I sliced out some time to make some cards to have on hand.

I hope your day is extra special!
Don't forget to vote if you live in Wisconsin!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back to the Grind

This past week was my first week back after spring break.
Friday I looked back and released it was only a week,
it really felt like a month since I was doing what I wanted with no lectures or test.
Oh, well.
Life happens sometimes.

There are somethings I wanted to tell you though!
I have a LOVE for sandwiches.
I mean I've always liked them,
but not like this.
They're making my life this week!

I had a bit of time this week to put together a couple of cards.
This one is for a scholarship I applied for.
They asked for "extra credit" in the form of making something out of paper.
I figured I'd give it a go and I even got to use some of the Dear Lizzy line I bought over break.
I also used my new Stampin' Up punch.

I also took my aunt out for her birthday on Friday.
And while supper and a slice of key-lime cheesecake are nice,
(I've already started looking for this recipe! It was heavenly and I can't wait to try my hand at it.)
I couldn't not make a card!

I hope you had a great week!