Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's a Trap!

Watch out!
It must be.
It's already Wednesday and its been an incredible week so far!
Let's start at the beginning . . .

I am a Packers fan,
not a devout one,
but if it's a good game-I'll watch.
So Sunday there was this game.
It was scary,
in a word:

My roommate has some chair issues.

We attempted to fix it.
And by "we" I mean I handed over the duct-tape,
then sat back and laughed a lot.
It's still a little broken.

Getting in touch with our girlie sides
my roomie and I painted our nails.
And watched the Bachelor.
Don't judge.

Also, I got another Etsy package.
Another shirt I've been looking at for a long time.
Finally a reality!
Week Overall:
This whole week is bitter cold!
But that just gives me an excuse to wrap up in my warmest scarf.
A gift from this past Christmas from my lovely Florida friends.
I'm sporting my new Yoda pin.
Another gift, this time from a library buddy.

Hope your week is just as good
(if not better!)

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to try to remember to show this picture to Ryan. He'd love it! Have a great second half to your week!
