Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Getting Started

Summer is just getting started and I have just started my summer baking craze.
I wanted to try infusing water so I bought some oranges and used a lemon mom had floating around.
It's refreshing and healthy!
How exciting!!
But really it was super simple and I think I'll be trying new combinations all summer!

It's my dad's birthday today!
So Happy Birthday Dad!
Instead of making him a card this year
I made him about 16.5 dozen cookies for his students and fellow teachers.
That's a lot of cookies.

Despite the overhaul in cookie making I have Claire's Birthday key lime cheesecake in the oven now,
and Allie's coming over to make some strawberry scone.
And I haven't even touched the rhubarb this year!
To shame!

Well rest assured I'll be back.
With all kinds of yummy goodness!

Monday, May 14, 2012

May . . . So Far

This month is when all of the things happen!
Today is Monday of my finals week
and I'm taking a break to tell you what I've been doing.

Earlier this month I had some birthdays.
(There are some later too!)
Fred's was first.

I might not be old enough to get him the real stuff,
but I can provide the vessel.
(Links in the captions)

From a cute little Etsy shop I love!
I also made Fred a black and white angel food cake.
I want to try it again this summer,
with the right pan.
(I made it in a bunt pan.)

Claire's birthday was next.
I didn't get any pictures of her opening the present
but I promise I didn't keep it.

My new favorite tea shop!
 I've promised Claire a key lime pie cheesecake when school's out.
So stay tuned for that!

 Since the birthdays I've been making notecards.
Eating left-over sushi and sipping sparkling juice.

Consuming tons of tea and fruit.
And discovering Mad Men.
I know I'm behind the curve,
but it is pretty good stuff.

What I haven't been doing is watching Sherlock.
I don't know.
I should get on that!
You should too if you haven't seen it yet.
Season one is available on Netflix.
Masterpiece is in the middle of season three.

So I'll see you later.
After this week.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Part II

I knew you were holding your breath.
But really you shouldn't have,
first off because it took a few weeks and
secondly because it's just a birthday card silly!
But really.
I really like this one.
I tried to go in about five different directions and ended here.

I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

As Promised Part I

Remember how I promised cards?
This is card number one!
I've been waiting for the right card to use these letters.
This was it!

I started with a neutral background,
the card is for a boy,
and I don't want to get too bright and girly for boys,
but thats my style so . . .
it got bright and girly.