Monday, April 4, 2011


I took a little walk today.
I let the wind whip around me and bring the rose to my cheeks.
 All day I have been admiring the blue of the sky from the wrong side of my window,
afraid of the chilling winds that had whipped me around the few times I went out.
 I braved it after I went to supper to find the breeze had died down.
I was sketching out some randomness yesterday during a lower campus blackout.
The hearts came from a Valentine card from my grandpa.
I figure I'll use them on a page sometime soon.
(Look for them.)
The more my mind wandered the more I thought about all the things I would love to bake.
I am so excited to have six weeks left!
Six weeks and I can have a kitchen on a regular basis once again.
I'm excited to see what I can cook up with all of the fresh ingredients Nature will provide!

I can see the end of the hockey season.
It is approaching fast and I don't want to see it end.
But I think it's fun to see how the standings are shaking out,
and which players are starting to shine.
(I want it known that I had faith in Gerbe and Enroth from the start!)

~Always an Adventure~

PS Check out Claire's new blog!

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