Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm Joinin' Up

So, I have this ancestor . . .
He fought in the Revolutionary War.
Because he did, I am eligible to join some of the coolest ladies around!
They're in the DAR
(Daughters of the American Revolution).

I'll be joining my aunt's chapter Ah-Dah-Wa-Gam.
This is the official paper signing before I sent my application off to be reviewed.
I'm really excited to join these ladies.
It'll be a ton of fun!

My aunt is on the far left, me in the middle, and the chapter regent, Diana, on the right.

This is the chapter registrar, Char, and I going over the papers one last time.

I just wanted to share this with you.
I'm really excited about all of it!

Thanks to member Cindy for the photos!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always happy to provide photographs that capture a moment - especially when it is as important as submitting your membership application to DAR. Your family lineage and history is something to be proud of and your sister Daughters as so proud that you have selected Ah Dah Wa Gam as your chapter. Congratulations and I know your ancestors are proud of the way you have chosen to honor their memory and sacrifice and how you continue to support your country.
